Rank No.2 in 2017 China Electronic Components Top 100 Enterprises List

2017/11/1 0:00:00 人评论 次浏览



26-28 October 2017, ZTT Group - leading global manufacturer of cable systems, attended “2017 China Electronic Components Industry Summit”. With its strong scale of strength, R&D ability and rapid economic growth, ZTT ranked No.2 in 2017 China Electronic Components Top 100 Enterprises List .

It reported that the first session of China Electronic Components Top 100 Enterprises List began to hold in 1988 and had gone through 30 years development. According to the list of Top 100 Enterprises, ZTT operating revenue had reached 34.5 billion CNY (No. 2 in the list) ; and its total profit kept rapid growth with year-on-year growth of 56%.

During the conference, the 8th director, vice-director, executive director, general secretary have been elected and Xue Chi, Director of ZTT Group, has been selected as the vice-director of China Electronic Components Association.